Getting started

less than 1 minute read

Quick start (Install & run example)

The single script will install Julia & DFTforge & Jx

git clone
cd Jx.jl

Run example


The ./ script will perform the MFT calculation for G-type antiferromagnetic NiO. Details are as follows:

  1. Extract the NiO Hamiltonian result file precomputed with OpenMX, and
  2. Perform the MFT calculation.
  3. Save Jij to CSV files and plot Jij to PDF file.

Step-by-step installation

1. Download the Jx code

git clone

2. Install Julia

Julia1.6 Julia1.7 Julia1.8 Julia1.9

Currently, we support the latest Julia 1.6-1.9.* (

  • For Linux system:

Using Julia auto-installer for Linux

echo 'export PATH=~/opt/bin:$PATH' >>~/.profile
echo 'export PATH=~/opt/bin:$PATH' >>~/.bashrc
JULIA_INSTALL=~/opt/bin bash -ci "$(curl –fsSL"
  • For OSX

Install Homebrew

brew cask install julia
brew cask upgrade julia

3. Install DFTforge

import Pkg

4. Run example

G-type AFM (anti-ferromagnetic) NiO example


See the NiO example page for the procedure the script does.